Random Articles
January 19, 2025
Not only boys bully – girls are as guilty


“Courage is fire and bullying is smoke” Benjamin Disraeli, ex British Prime Minister In my first year of middle school, kids taunted me and spit on me in hallways. It didn’t occur to me to tell my parents or teachers. Finally, when a group of 20 kids threatened to beat me up at the carwash […]

Bullying in schools –stand up and speak out!

Say no to bullying!

In Italian schools bullying is increasing at an alarming rate. Chiara was a student of Alessandro Volta school, where she was a victim of bullying. She was bullied by a classmate in the school for many years. She was bullied mentally, emotionally and physically. She told us that one day her classmate put soap in […]

Bullies always need an audience – refuse to be that audience.

Bullying is not cool

Rochelle Pryor was a 14-year-old aboriginal girl from Australia who took own life because she was bullied.      Bullying and cyberbullying can happen to you or your friend.                                                          […]