February 12, 2025

Say no to bullying!

Bullying in schools –stand up and speak out!

In Italian schools bullying is increasing at an alarming rate.

Chiara was a student of Alessandro Volta school, where she was a victim of bullying.

She was bullied by a classmate in the school for many years. She was bullied mentally, emotionally and physically.

She told us that one day her classmate put soap in her bottle of water and he also made a small cut on her arm.

She used to return home crying, but finally she told everything to her parents and they helped her to get out from that situation.


Why does bullying happen?

The reasons are many: problems at home, closed minds and immaturity typical to the age.

How often does bullying happen?

In Italy a survey has shown that 67,9% of students have been bullied in schools. This is a disturbing statistic.

How can we stop bullying? 

We can stop bullying with the help of psychologists and by making anonymous questionnaires a regular part of school life.

Parents’ roles are as important as those of teachers. Talk to your children and advise them on how to handle bullies.

Through what happened to Chiara, we can understand how important the roles of parents are in their children’s lives! 

The havoc bullying causes in teenagers’ lives  can be countered by caring, aware parents, teachers and peers.


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